Montessori education
Montessori materials and education is developed by Maria Montessori , Italy’s first female physician. She developed it through scientific observation of children, experiments implemented the method and found great success.
One of the core principles of Montessori education is the belief in the natural desire of children to learn. Teachers act as guides, observing and supporting each child's unique learning journey, rather than imparting knowledge through traditional methods.
Who we are?
We are Assam’s first and only authentic Montessori school. We provide International standard Montessori Education. Our director is trained from AMI (Netherlands). AMI stands for Association Montessori Internationale (Gold standard for Montessori, internationally recognized). She has worked as a lead Montessori teacher in the USA, co-lead Montessori teacher in Sketches Montessori Noida. She is an outreach teacher for Salt Brook Mirza. And previously worked as a Coordinator for Nits Mirza.
Our aim / Vision / mission
Our aim is to provide the best early childhood education in Assam. Montessori is proved to ideal and effective around the world.

Exercises of Practical life
Exercises of practical life are developmental and purposeful activities for children. These are daily life activities done by people around the world.
Adults perform these activities for utilitarian results and for them result is important. However, the child performs them exerting maximum effort and for them the process is more important than the result.
For the young child there is deeper inner purpose. The child performs the activity from within for his/ her self-construction. The child has the urge to become independent and adapt to the environment. So the child does Exercises of Practical Life which help the child for his/ her inner development.
The purpose of these activities are co-ordination of movement, concentration, independence, and adaptation. Exercise of practical life also help in writing in future.

Dr Montessori refers to our senses as “scouts of intelligence”. Senses collect information from our environment and transmit it to the brain. So, senses are important agents in the process of building up one’s intelligence.
In Montessori there are sensorial materials for all senses visual, acoustic, olfactory, tactile etc. There are concrete materials to discriminate colors, size, shape, sounds etc. These materials refine the senses of children, help them to classify impressions and ultimately the process of abstraction (where an idea is established in the brain).

The concepts covered in Montessori Mathematics in the primary level are numeration, the decimal system, computation, the arithmetic tables, whole numbers, fractions, and positive numbers. The materials of the Primary Montessori Classroom also present experiences in geometry and algebra.
Courtesy: Montessori Primary Guide.
The concrete material in Montessori classroom helped in making the foundation of Mathematics strong for children. Later more abstract Mathematical concepts are offered to the children.

Children in early childhood have an absorbent mind. When they come to the Montessori Classroom, they have already absorbed the language spoken at home, around them. Children needs to be exposed to rich vocabulary, articulation, pronunciation. In Montessori classrooms the guides/ teachers prepare themselves so that they can offer a rich language to the children. In addition, there are plenty of materials, for example Sandpaper letters, Movable alphabet, Phonogram letters, Classified pictures etc. to aid the child’s language.

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